Hello, my name is Nneka Udeagbala. I am a Software Engineering major at Stevens Institute of Technology going into her senior year. I am pleased to make your acquaintance! Please keep scrolling to learn more about me.
This project is maintained by nnekaou
Welcome to my newest webpage. Here you can find my interests and a little bit about my experiences. I am excited for you to get to know me! Feel free to contact me at nudeagba@stevens.edu.
A self-driven Software Engineering student with three years of work and leadership experience. I am interested in the effect of technology in public urban spaces and how technology can be utilized to foster human interaction. This past summer, I conducted research at the University of Florida under Dr. Juan Gilbert on the human perception of altered media and the use of AR/VR for physical therapy.
The emergence of smart city technology and devices intending to be used to solve mental and social problems inspired my direction of research. I would like to study the intent versus the impact of technological advancements in public spaces. As the emergence of smart spaces is a global phenomenon, I would also like to understand the cultural and environmental differences that direct data-driven design.
Gainesville, FL / May 2019 - August 2019
I am currently participating in research at the University of Florida under Dr. Juan Gilbert. I am contributing to a project that aims to use AR/VR to improve the experience of those completing physical therapy. My contribution is computational, I am helping to analyze the data by detecting patterns in the data. While accomplishing this task, I would like to build my skills in R.
The project I am in charge of concerns analyzing DeepFakes. My focus is on understanding the consumer’s perception of fake forms of visual media and identifying the factors that contribute to an individual thinking something that is fake is actually real. I will be creating visual materials to be used in multiple user studies.
Cincinnati, OH / May 2018 - August 2018
This was a great experience because it was my intoduction to data analysis. When I began this internship,
I was a Computer Engineering major with a goal of working with robotics after graduation. This experience
showed me I could utilize my skills to create in a realm other than the physical. I could investigate
multitudes of problems and derive solutions! At the end of this summer, I changed my major to Software
Engineering. I have had a fun-filled and challenging experience ever since.
Stevens Institute of Technology / August 2017 – Present
This was an eye-opening experience for me. I began my career as an RA in my sophomore year.
I expected the social challenges, as I am a bit more introverted than extroverted, but there was
so much for me to learn. I had an idealistic vision of creating a community where everyone feels
they have support. Little did I know, making my presense known was the easy part. Deadlines appear
out of nowhere and weird things just... tend to happen. Not everyone will want to get to know you
and sometimes you need to prioritize your own health before you can help anyone else. I was able to
build organization, empathy, observation, focus, and maturity from this role. It has had a profound
impact on my college experience.
National Society of Black Engineers / May 2018 – Present
Stevens Institute of Technology / May 2017 – May 2018
The National Society of Black Engineers is the most impactful aspect of my college career so far.
I have been in four positions of leadership: Chapter President, New Jersey Zone Chair,
Business Diversity Chair, and Regional Leadership Conference Planning Chairperson. Each position pushed me
further outside of my comfort zone. Each task I completed left me with a sense of accomplishment and a
desire to do it better next time. A core aspect of my identity is mentorship. I want to be able to
utilize my skills and strengths to uplift others and let them see their strengths. I see so much potential
in those around me and they push me to be a better, stronger, and wiser person. I hope to help mirror that
support and push those around me to shine.
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